Our services

What we can do for you


Looking to develop your hospitality business, but not sure where to begin? Need help .....

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We examine what organizations are doing to stay relevant and competitive in this fast-paced ......

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We are proud to say that our team has an eye for detail. Setting up your food and Beverage operations ......

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Focused on your needs and <b><u>experience</u></b>
Why chose us

Focused on your needs and experience

At Zion, we understand that change is not always easy. Since 2008, we’ve been consulting companies of all sizes, respond to industry transitions in order to stay competitive. Our years of experience have taught us to prioritise the success of your business. Our team of experts is always ready to develop strategies not only for surviving, but thriving in the future. Give us a call today to set up your first consultation.

Why us

Some reasons to chose us

We are reliable partners

Most operators don’t have enough expertise to solve most of their problems with operations, profitability, people or marketing, let alone enough specific expertise to help innovate their business and take it to the next level. As your consultants and partners, we do. When effectively utilised, we impact both sides of the equation – costs as well as profits

We help you solve operational issues that have been plaguing you for a long time. How many times can you "fix" food cost? Why are labour costs still a problem? When are you going to move beyond what's broken so that you can work on actually creating?

We help you understand how to build a better and more successful business. How many times do you say you never have enough time to work "on" your business?

We help you execute better. There's a process to building success in the restaurant business. Are you on the right path for you? How long have you been struggling to find "the answer"? What is the best answer for your business right now? A year from now?

We help you understand the importance of marketing and develop the best strategy for your business, which builds long-term success. This is the No. 1 reason 66% of all operators go out of business within their first three years of operations.

We help you stop relying on "hope" as an operational strategy. "I hope this marketing works." "I hope this solves our problem." "I hope we find the right people to staff our shifts." "I hope our training works to help build our business." "I hope people like our new menu."

We help you go beyond "best practices" and move toward "best results." My definition of insanity is doing the same things everyone else is and expecting better results.

Business consulting

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Tax law consulting

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Finance & Investing

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Transport & Logistics

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PR & Marketing

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We have a reputation

We ideate that the guest in today’s world is travelled. Thus putting forth the right guidelines, service standards and well trained talent in place to always supersede their expectations. Its a framework of an organisation that unites its people and processes more than anything else and keep the guests at its core centre to receive all possible tangents. With more than a decade of engaging and market understanding, no one understands this better than ZHC.

ZHC, consults and helps individuals and organisation to achieve Successful, Profitmaking Hospitality Business Models rather than just suave and nice looking restaurants. All this is based on the best use of Facility Planning, High Quality standards on food and beverage and well trained and hospitable staff. When all this meet our guests expectation through positive and right feedback the motivation and reputation are increased manifolds. By involving ourselves within your corporate culture, we also offer custom business solutions designed to enable organizations to adapt ZHC strategies through a tactical roadmap for transforming your organization.

We get results

You need to be smart and objective about your business. We can’t save a lazy operator. But at some point, even the brightest bulb in the pack needs to muster a little humility. The restaurant business is complex. For many operators of independent restaurants, hiring a consultant is inevitable. They realize they don’t know as much as they would like about every aspect of their complex and multifaceted business. They need help from someone who has done it before.

We have managed or operated successful enterprises, and found that our passion is helping businesses grow rather than simply keeping a successful operation on course. As we gain experience with a number of different restaurants, we gain a view of the business that very few restaurateurs possess.
When a restaurant faces a nagging problem or is about to enter a new stage of growth, it may be time to consider us. In the long run, the initial cost of hiring us can be recouped many times over by helping you overcome a troublesome operational problem or avoid a costly mistake in the start-up or expansion phase.

Being an objective outsider, we may be able to recognize and employ solutions more effectively than you and your staff. When you’re so close to a situation there is a tendency to favour a predetermined outcome, versus a creative solution. We can provide a fresh, objective point of view without an agenda to push.

We make a difference

The best solution for
developing your business

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This is our team



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Jonathan Web

CEO & Founder

Hi there!

Nulla fugiat incididunt exercitation fugiat sint magna dolor nisi occaes at ecat laborum do duis adipisi es cupidatat este.

Ronald Henry

Strategic advisor


Nulla fugiat incididunt exercitation fugiat sint magna dolor nisi occaes at ecat laborum do duis adipisi es cupidatat este.

Theresa Watson​

Human relationships​
Our process

Step by step
how we do it



Market Research

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Financial Consulting

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Project Management

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PR & Marketing

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