About Us: Expert Hospitality Consultants in Delhi

We take care of your <b><u>future</u></b>
Why chose us

We take care of your future

I established Zion Hospitality Consultants as a leading hospitality firm in 2008. Initially, our focus was on designing and providing consulting services for restaurants, bars, food courts, and nightclubs. My early ventures in this field included consulting for various establishments in India, particularly in Delhi. I played a pivotal role in conceptualizing and business planning as a Chef, launching numerous concepts and outlets both domestically and internationally. Additionally, we specialized in developing lasting menu philosophies and retail sales strategies for established players in the hospitality industry.

Under my direction, the main principle of our company is to aim to become the forefront of hospitality and emphasize Indian culture and geographical features as a method to express our thoughts whilst maintaining our originality. At Zion Hospitality Consultants (ZHC), we offer a dynamic team geared towards creative challenges with innovative results in the field of hospitality and food service concept and design. As leading hospitality consultants in Delhi, we specialize in assisting our clients to establish restaurant and hotel ventures which are successful business models. We support a corporate structure designed to continually service our ongoing projects in the country.

Our uniqueness is deeply rooted in our Indian heritage. As hospitality consultants in Delhi, we have reorganized our investigation into the physical characteristics and appearance of fine Indian culinaire to better serve the industry. Our mission is to elevate the hospitality sector, a task we have been dedicated to for years and will continue to pursue. We respect nature and incorporate the demography and seasonal influences of each location into our concepts. We believe that our greatest responsibility and challenge is to address all hospitality needs within a space, creating a balanced and exceptional product. The mere idea of doing something different fuels our fashionable and stylish projects.

Spaces cannot be imitated or create by styling alone. Style is a system that brings all the positive aspects of energy together in one area and coordinates them. People from various origins and emotions come together in one place to produce this energy, which is made up of hopes, contradictions, disappointments, aspirations, and desires for the future.

To put it simply, I respect discussing people’s questions about the power and brightness that a location or environment can send.

Umesh Kapoor


“jnanenatu tad ajnanam
prakasayati tat param”

When, however, one is enlightened with the knowledge by which nascence is destroyed, then His knowledge reveals everything, as the sun lights up everything in the daytime. Identity with individuality in spiritual life is real knowledge.

We make a difference

Our vision and what can we do to help your business

With a tailor – made approach towards each client, Zion hospitality consultants does not set successful hospitality projects but thrives on setting successful and revenue generating business models for a considerable success rate.

With a blend of youthful exuberance and wealthful experience, our core competencies are best Hospitality consultants, Interior Design Development and kitchen design.

We take care of your <b><u>future</u></b>
Why chose us

We take care of your future

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Our process

Step by step
how we do it



Market Research

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Financial Consulting

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Project Management

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PR & Marketing

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Meet Our Management Team

Chef Umesh Kapoor


Owner & Founder

Chef Preety Agarwal


HOD - Operations



Nulla fugiat incididunt exercitation fugiat sint magna dolor nisi occaes at ecat laborum do duis adipisi es cupidatat este.

Jonathan Web

CEO & Founder

Hi there!

Nulla fugiat incididunt exercitation fugiat sint magna dolor nisi occaes at ecat laborum do duis adipisi es cupidatat este.

Theresa Watson

Human relationships


Nulla fugiat incididunt exercitation fugiat sint magna dolor nisi occaes at ecat laborum do duis adipisi es cupidatat este.

Ronald Henry

Strategic advisor
Limited offer

Schedule a free consultation